"Non c’è Dio": semantica di un misero

Ricci, Adelaide (2019) "Non c’è Dio": semantica di un misero. Quaderni di semantica, N.s. V. pp. 181-203. ISSN 0393-1226

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Moving towards the medieval intelligence of imagines one meets the polysemic character of in-sipiens, framed in the initial letter of Psalm 52 between XIII and XV centuries and in the tarots card the Fool. This fool is ‘senseless’ at various levels and experiences a semantic and narrative density, both textual and iconographic. All those nuances of meaning are not alien at all to the observer interacting with this figura, really and deeply a miser: a real presence resuming ad unumthe dramatic reality of denying the human accomplishment according to the harmony given by God to the created world.

Tipologia del documento: Articolo in rivista
Parole chiave: Foolishness, Psalm 52, Insipiens, Fool, Polysemy, Middle Ages
Soggetto: D History General and Old World > D History (General) > D111 Medieval History
Depositato da: dr Vincenzo De Luise
Depositato il: 18 Nov 2020 16:10
Ultima modifica: 18 Nov 2020 16:10
URI: http://www.rmoa.unina.it/id/eprint/5581


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