Royal Rulership in the Tenth and Early Eleventh Centuries: German and Italian Approaches in Dialogue

Manganaro, Stefano (2019) Royal Rulership in the Tenth and Early Eleventh Centuries: German and Italian Approaches in Dialogue. Reti Medievali Rivista, 20 (1). pp. 157-185. ISSN 1593-2214

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ENGLISH: Over the last few decades, German and Italian scholarships in the field of medieval constitutional history widened their traditional differences in research approach, as the studies on royal rulership (Königsherrschaft) in the tenth and early eleventh centuries seem to reveal. These studies define the subject of this article, which aims at raising awareness of the need to once again increase German-Italian cooperation. In this respect, the present essay briefly deals with selected issues and problems that are differently tackled by German and Italian scholarly traditions, and subsequently outlines four promising research paths for investigating royal rulership and kingship in the tenth and early eleventh centuries by means of an in-depth exchange between the two historiographies. These four new proposals concern macro-themes such as space, time, power-sharing practices, and the circulation of political models by making use of hostages. . / ITALIANO: Negli ultimi decenni la medievistica tedesca e quella italiana di ambito politico-istituzionale sembrano aver approfondito le loro tradizionali differenze metodologiche, come si osserva soprattutto negli studi sul potere regio (Königsherrschaft) nei secoli X-XI. Questi studi definiscono l’oggetto del presente articolo. Con l’auspicio di contribuire al rilancio di un proficuo dialogo italo-tedesco, il saggio offre dapprima una breve – e certo non esaustiva – riflessione storiografica, a partire da una selezione di temi e di problemi che sono generalmente affrontati in modo diverso dai medievisti tedeschi e italiani; successivamente sono presentate quattro nuove piste di ricerca, potenzialmente sviluppabili sulla scorta di un più intenso scambio tra le due storiografie, che ovviamente coinvolge la comunità medievistica internazionale nel suo complesso. Queste nuove proposte toccano i macro-temi dello spazio, del tempo, delle pratiche di condivisione del potere (sharing-power practices) e della circolazione di modelli politici tramite gli ostaggi.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: This essay arises from a lecture delivered at the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (MPIeR) in Frankfurt am Main on November 22, 2018, held within the framework of a visiting fellowship at the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (MPIeR), generously funded by the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
Uncontrolled Keywords: MiddleAges, 10th-11th Centuries, Roman-Germanic Empire, Royal rulership, Königsherrschaft, New research perspectives, German-Italian dialogue, Medioevo, Secoli X-XI, Impero romano-germanico, Potere regio, Nuove prospettive di ricerca, Dialogo italo-tedesco
Subjects: D History General and Old World > D History (General) > D111 Medieval History
Depositing User: dr Vincenzo De Luise
Date Deposited: 23 Sep 2019 10:34
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2019 10:34


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