Langue(s) d’Empire et langue(s) impériale(s) dans le royaume Hauteville de Sicile

Peters-Custot, Annick (2023) Langue(s) d’Empire et langue(s) impériale(s) dans le royaume Hauteville de Sicile. In: Il re e le sue lingue. Comunicazione e imperialità = Le roi et ses langues. Communication et impérialité. Imperialiter (2). BUP - Basilicata University Press, Potenza, pp. 105-121. ISBN 978-88-31309-20-2

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The issue of multilingualism in the Norman Kingdom of Sicily is a theme which has been written about extensively: the question of the three “languages of the king” (Greek, Arabic, Latin) has been fascinating enough to stimulate a long historiography - this paper would not reiterate - on the sovereign’s linguistic policy, the nature of its ideology, or on the imperial dimension of its power. We would rather propose a renewed approach on the question on the basis of the distinction between Imperial languages and languages of Empire that could emphasize the special “imperial” status of Greek and Arabic, and, by contrast, enlighten the least imperial dimension of the Latin language. This latter conveys definitively less “second-hand imperiality” than the previous ones, at least for the first Hauteville sovereign.

Tipologia del documento: Capitolo di libro
Parole chiave: Norman Kingdom of Sicily, Imperial languages, plurilingaulism, linguistic policy
Soggetto: D History General and Old World > D History (General) > D111 Medieval History
Depositato da: dr Vincenzo De Luise
Depositato il: 30 Mar 2024 06:08
Ultima modifica: 30 Mar 2024 10:56


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