Bibliografia degli scritti
Sono indicati i testi scaricabili da Reti Medievali, e segnalati anche altri
testi eventualmente presenti nel web.
Dark Age
Liguria. Regional Power and Local Identity, c. 400-1020
(Bloomsbury, London: 2013).
184 pp.
Curatela di
volumi miscellanei
Ed. with
Elizabeth Tyler,
Narrative and History in the Early
Medieval West (Brepols, Turnhout: 2006), 267 pp.
Ed. with
Mark Pearce and Charles Watkins,
Ligurian Landscapes.
Studies in Archaeology, Geography and History (Accordia, London:
2004), 201 pp.
Ed. with
Amy Louise Erickson,
Gender and History, 7, n.3
(1995), Special Issue: Presentations of the Self in Early Modern England,
123 pp.
Property and Urban Space in Tenth-Century Milan’, in Lin Foxhall and Gaby
Neher (eds),
Gender and the City before Modernity
(Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), pp. 57-85.
‘Fatherhood in Late Lombard Italy’, in Janet L. Nelson, Susan Reynolds and
Susan M. Johns (eds),
Gender and historiography: studies in the
history of the earlier middle ages in honour of Pauline Stafford
(IHR, London: 2012), pp. 9-20.
‘Lombard Fathers’,
Archeologia medievale, 38
(2011), pp. 45-58 (‘Famiglia e altomedioevo: storia e archeologia’, ed.
Cristina La Rocca).
Property and Urban Space in Tenth-Century Milan’,
Gender & History, 23.3 (2011), pp. 548-576 (Gender and the City
before Modernity, ed.
Lin Foxhall and Gaby
‘Elites and
silver in Milan and its region in the ninth century’, in Jean-Pierre
Devroey, Laurent Feller and Regine Le Jan (eds),
Les élites et la richesse au haut Moyen Âge entre vie et xie siècles
(Turnhout, Brepols: 2010), pp. 403-437.
‘Sexuality in Late Lombard Italy, c. 700-c.800’, in April Harper and
Caroline Proctor, ed.
Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook
(London and New York, Routledge: 2008), pp. 7-30.
Karen Adler and Michele Mitchell) Practising Gender History,
Gender & History 20.1 (2008), pp. 1-7.
article: Liutprand of Cremona’,
Nottingham Medieval Studies
52 (2008), pp. 246-256.
narratives in ninth-century Milanese court cases', in Elizabeth M. Tyler and
Ross Balzaretti, ed.
Narrative and History in the Early
Medieval West (Turnhout, Brepols: 2006), pp. 11-37.
(with E.
M. Tyler), ‘Introduction’, in E. M. Tyler and R. Balzaretti, ed.
Narrative and History in the Early Middle Ages (Turnhout,
Brepols: 2006), pp. 1-9.
article: Agnellus of Ravenna’,
Nottingham Medieval Studies
48 (2005), pp. 233-237.
‘Masculine Authority and State Identity in Liutprandic Italy’, in W. Pohl
and P. Erhart, ed.
Die Langobarden. Herrschaft und Identität
(Vienna, Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters: 2005), pp. 363-384.
History of the Countryside in sixteenth-century Varese Ligure’, in R.
Balzaretti, M. Pearce and C. Watkins, ed.
Ligurian Landscapes.
Studies in Archaeology, Geography and
History (Accordia, London: 2004), pp. 123-138.
(with M.
Pearce and C. Watkins), ‘Ligurian landscapes: microhistory and environmental
history’, in R. Balzaretti, M. Pearce and C. Watkins, ed.
Ligurian Landscapes.
Studies in Archaeology, Geography and
History (Accordia, London: 2004), pp.
‘Liutprand of Cremona’s Sense of Humour’, in
Humour, History and Politics in the Early Medieval West, ed., G.
Halsall (Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 114-128.
cultures in the early medieval West, in
Indecent Exposure: Sexuality, Society and the Archaeological Record,
ed. L. Bevan
(Cruithne Press, Glasgow: 2001), pp. 147-161.
‘Monasteries, towns and the countryside: reciprocal relationships in the
archdiocese of Milan, 614-814’, in
Towns and Their Territories: Between Late
Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, [Proceedings of the
European Science Foundation conference, Isernia, Italy, July
1997], eds., G.P. Brogiolo, N. Gauthier and N Christie (Brill, Leiden:
2000), pp. 235-257.
‘Theodelinda, “most glorious queen”. Gender and Power in Lombard Italy’,
The Medieval History Journal, 2.2 (1999), pp. 183-207.
‘Men and
Sex in Tenth-century Italy’, in
Masculinity in Medieval Europe, ed.
D. Hadley (Longman,
1999), pp. 143-159.
Politics of Property in ninth-century Milan. Familial motives and monastic
strategies in the village of Inzago’,
Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome, Moyen Age 111, 2, pp.
‘Review article: San Vincenzo al Volturno.
Early Medieval Europe , 8.3
(1999), pp. 387-399.
are things that men do, not women”: the social regulation of female violence
in Langobard Italy’, in
Violence and Society in the Early
Medieval West, ed., G. Halsall (Woodbridge, Boydell and Brewer:
1998), pp. 175-192.
‘Charlemagne in Italy’,
History Today, 46 (1996), pp.
emporia and monasteries: local economies in the Po Valley 700-875’, in
Towns in Transition. Urban Evolution in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle
Ages, eds., N. Christie and S. Loseby, (Scolar Press, 1996), pp.
and Markets in Early Medieval Europe’, in
After Empire. Towards an Ethnology of Europe's Barbarians. Studies in
Historical Archaeo-ethnology, 1 ed G Ausenda, (Boydell Press,
San Marino, 1995), pp. 113-142.
Monastery of Sant'Ambrogio and Dispute Settlement in Early Medieval Milan’,
Early Medieval Europe 3 (1994), pp. 1-18.
Foucault, Homosexuality and the Middle Ages’,
Renaissance and Modern Studies, 37 (1994), pp. 1-12.
‘The Curtis, the Archaeology of Sites of Power’, in
La Storia dell'alto medioevo Italiano (vi-x secolo) alla luce
dell'archeologia eds R Francovich and G Noyé (Florence,
All'Insegna del Giglio: 1994), pp. 99-108.
Dark Age Italy’,
The Historian, 41 (1994), pp.
Creation of Europe’,
History Workshop Journal, 33
(1992), pp. 181-196.
of Dark Age Milan’,
Medieval World, 4 (1992), pp.
Trade, Industry and the Wealth of King Alfred’,
Past and Present, 135 (1992), pp. 142-150.
Archaeology and Early Medieval Urbanism: the North Italian Debate’,
Accordia Research Papers, The Journal of the Accordia Research Centre,
2 (1991), pp. 87-104.
‘Milano e i Milanesi’,
Nottingham Medieval Studies,
35 (1991), pp. 155-160.
Review of M. Richter,
Bobbio in the Early Middle Ages
(Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2008), in
Catholic Historical Review, January 2010, pp. 98-100.
(2009) Review of Roberta Cevasco,
Memoria verde. Nuovi spazi per la
geografia. (Edizioni Diabasis. Reggio Emilia, 2007), in
Environment and History 15.2, pp. 257-259.
Review of John Elder,
Pilgrimage to Vallombrosa. From Vermont
to Italy in the Footsteps of George Perkins Marsh. (University
of Virginia Press. Charlottesvile and London, 2006), in
Environment and History 15.1, pp. 118-119.
Review of R. Compatangelo-Soussignan, J-R. Bertrand, J. Chapman and P-Y.
Laffont (eds),
Landmarks and socio-economic systems: the
construction of pre-industrial landscapes and their perception by
contemporary societies (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2008),
Agricultural History Review
56, pp. 260-262.
Review of L. Bitel,
Women in Early Medieval Europe
(Cambridge, 2003),
Continuity and Change 20, pp.
Review of A. Barbero,
Charlemagne. Father of a Continent
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004), in
History 90, pp. 435-436.
Review of C. La Rocca, ed.
Italy in
the Early Middle Ages 476-1000
(Oxford, 2002), in
Gender & History 16.1, pp.
Review of L. Molà, R. C. Mueller and C. Zanier, eds.
La seta in Italia dal
Medioevo al Seicento. Dal baco al drappo
(Venice, 2000), in
Textile History 33, p. 123.
Review of M. McCormick,
Origins of the European Economy
(Cambridge, 2001)
Times Literary Supplement,
Nov 1 2002, p. 32.
Review of M.C. Miller,
The Bishop’s Palace. Architecture and
Authority in Medieval Italy (Ithaca and London, 2000),
Urban History 28.3, pp. 440-441.
Review of R.I. Moore,
The First European Revolution, c.
970-1215 (Oxford, 2000),
Economic History Review LIV, pp. 794-795.
Review of J.M.H. Smith ed.
Early Medieval Rome and the Christian
West. Essays in Honour of Donald A. Bullough (Leiden, 2000),
Early Medieval Europe 10.3, pp. 417-419.
Review of K. Hays-Gilpin and D. S. Whitley, eds.,
Reader in Gender Archaeology (London, 1998),
Gender and History, 11.2, pp. 389-390.
(1998) Review of A. Augenti,
Il Palatino nel Medioevo (Rome, 1996),
Early Medieval Europe, 7 (1) (1998), pp. 125-126.
Review of W. Davies and P. Fouracre (eds),
Property and Power in Early Medieval Europe (CUP, 1995),
Economic History Review L, pp. 393-94.
Review of N Christie,
The Lombards (Oxford, 1995),
Times Literary Supplement, 4861 (May 31), p. 28.
Review of D. Harrison,
The Early State and The Towns
(Lund University Press 1993) in
Early Medieval Europe 4 (1),
pp. 116-117.
Review of N. Christie, ed.,
Three South Etrurian Churches (British School at Rome, London,
1993) and R. Hodges, ed.,
San Vincenzo al Volturno 1: The
excavations 1980-86, Part 1, Early Medieval Europe, 4 (1), pp.
Review of P. Skinner,
Family Power in Southern Italy
(Cambridge, 1995),
Economic History Review.
XLVIII, 4, p.
(1994) Review of D. Moreno,
Dal Documento al Terreno (Il
Mulino 1990) in
Journal of Historical Geography
20 (1), p. 91.
(1994) Review of P. Chierici & L. P. Quaglino (eds),
Le Fabbriche Magnifiche. La seta in Provincia di Cuneo tra seicento e
ottocento (Cuneo, 1993),
Textile History, 25 (2).
Review of B. Kreutz,
Before the Normans Southern Italy in the
Ninth and Tenth centuries (Philadelphia, 1992) in
Early Medieval Europe 2 (1), (1993), pp. 86-87.
Review of S. Epstein,
An Island for Itself
(Cambridge 1992) in
ASMI Bulletin.
Review of C. Frugoni,
A Distant City (Princeton,
1991) in
Medieval World, 5, p. 46.
Review of R. Brentano,
Rome Before Avignon (2nd.
edn. California
1990) in
Medieval World 7, pp. 56-57.
Review of J. Weeks,
Against Nature (London, 1991)
Feminism and Psychology, 2
(3), pp. 487-489.
Review of G. Tabacco,
The Struggle for Power in Medieval Italy
(Cambridge, 1989) in
Medieval World, 1, pp.